Visual Product

1st Post

From the start I focused and almost the same themes from the first blog to the fact to the fact that I think that they are three different aspects that cannot go well when mixed together. I started working on Art Deco, Futurism and movies containing auto mobiles. After some sketches I got an idea a creating an imaginary building containing three Art Deco buildings and a car taken from the movie but drawn in a more abstract form but all painted similar to the futurists style.

The buildings that I used are the "Edificio El Moro - Mexico" for the bottom part that is going up slanting and "Empire State - New York" to create the second part and the top part. I looked as well at the Art Deco painter Tamara de Lempicka. Then futurists have been an interest to me from the start because of their particular style the straight lines and although the paintings are very busy one can still figure out what is going on on so did Umberto Boccioni, Filippo Marinetti, Giacomo Balla. Regarding films I focused and research the Fast and Furious film, it was a hard decision when it came to choose the car but soon set up my mind when relating to the futurist style.

The car that I chose is the supercharged 1970 Doge Charger an American muscle car so
unlike all the other Japanese cars in the movies all the American ones are normally builded from metal sheets and not plastic or fibre so the shape is generally one of straight lines and do not have any curves just like this car. 

2nd Post

After I had my plan ready I began a series of sketches to get an idea and familiarise myself to the coming step that is the actual painting of this concept.
I first began to draw the three parts that I was going to use which are the bottom the top and the other top that was going to be in the middle than I roughly sketched out the car just to get an idea of how to was going to be.

I originally wanted to morph two cars from The Fast and Furious, an American and Japanese but would not make any sense since they are two complete different models any have a complete different form makes it very hard especially because this particular muscle car has a very long front and has very limited space at the back so I could not morph them from the middle and making the front differently would ruin the idea of the car but still tried it out while still I the phase of sketching but did not turn out very well

When some work was put to it and the sketches were done I have done another sketch of the whole composition put together and I started to draw lines randomly to see how it comes out know I know that when it is going to come to the last piece I had to pay attention above all to how am I going to draw the lines for the painting to still be recognised after it is completed. But for now I sketched it randomly just for the sake of getting the idea and change things if there were out of place but for now I have only eliminated the idea of morphing two cars.

The most part that was giving me trouble is how am I going to position the car, if I am going to draw a front view of it, a side view of it or a back view that is going towards the building? I choose to draw the car from a side view because I thought that it wide give more a sense of speed to the painting rather than a front view of a back view would give.    

3rd Post 

When I started the drawings the final one I focused more on realistic drawing of the buildings and then car but soon realised that futurists drawings were not always realistic looking and presented in a way that is very eye-catching and so I erased a few parts and tried to accomplish this as well. Now I tried to morph the buildings in a very sort to say funny looking way, a way that for sure they cannot be build in. This is because the bottom part is going up sideways and then to create the top part I used the head part of The Empire State building but going to the different side. In the middle as well where were the two buildings interact I had done as well another part on the Empire State and that is the reason why it cannot be built.

The paint I chose to use is acrylic and apart that it is a quick drying media I wanted to blend the colours a lot just like the futurists did, a proof of this is Boccioni's "Elasticity"
where the red and the yellow are being blended in a way that goes from a darker tone to a lighter tone of the same hue, now this particular painting is mixed with straight lines and curves so I thought that it would be a good idea if I would add a bit of curves to my art work and so I decided to add some curved lines with the bottom part of the front tire to give a sense of speed.

My main difficulty was after I finished the building and the car to draw the lines to which separates a part from an other, this was a hard part because although I wanted to create a bit of confusion in the painting itself I still wanted it to be recognised when one at least looks closely at it but it was not as easy as it looks despite that I still waned to keep some detail. 

4th Post

Once I had draw my design with pencil on the A3 acrylic paper it was time to begin using the paint. I found this a little hard at first since it has been a very long time since I used acrylics but soon after I managed to get the hang of things again. The trick to create futurist painting is to mix and blend the colours correctly and most importantly do not leave a block of colours or else it would be too childish. I started from the sky and used bright colour for the viewer to identify that it actually is a sky, I used blue, red, orange, yellow and violet colour that we may see in the sky. I did not want to put dark and dull colours in this case but I had would of if I wanted to bring out that there is a storm.

The more you go down in the drawing you start to see the buildings and the car, I tried to use colours similar to each other to draw the buildings just for the sake of the viewer to identify them more quickly and does not get them confused with the sky or else put the same colours across of each other. Now I now that we cannot actually see any yellow in the sky but it still is a colour of one elements that we find in the sky which is the sun.

The main problem when it came to the paint is how am I going to space the colours, I had tried my best for the sky and the building to be differently but together using the brightness of the colours. My fear was that when I was going to paint the lower part it was going to get mixed up with the upper part and I would get a whole bunch of colours mixed together instead of a futurist look alike painting and lose the whole thought behind of this concept.

5th Post

With the top part finished I started to paint the middle and lower part of the painting, for the car I have used some dark and dull colours for the reason so that it would not be mixed with the building and the keep some of the facts from which it is originating since the car's actual colour in the movie is black but regarding the part under the car I still used bright colours.

To produce the blending and shading the most important part is to not let your base colour dry since it is a quick drying media as mentioned above. Before applying the base colour first you make to mix a little of that colour with white so you would get a lighter tone and then apply you base colour and with another brush apply the lighter tone a spread it allowing it to mix easily since all the paint it still wet and then you could give it a hint of white, but if you fist colour has dried off you could add a little bit of water for it to melt since it has not been left so long but if you see that the paint is not melting since acrylic is a water proof media you have to leave it to dry completely and then apply your first colour again but this will thicken the paint.

Overall after seeing it ready I was quite happy since I am not that trained at accomplishing these kind of results but still I was quite happy although I could find places where I could have improved and could get a better result especially I was expecting a better result with the paint but still I am satisfied with the finished result. 

Finished Result


Wikipedia The Free Encyclopedia 2014, viewed Thursday 16 January 2014,

Complex Rides, viewed Thursday 16 January 2014,


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